'... the Eucharistic banquet where all are beggars, even those who minister. We all come with our hands outstretched. We are invited precisely because we have nothing to offer.'
- Allan White, OP
The master then ordered the servant, ‘Go out to the highways and hedgerows and make people come in that my home may be filled.’
- Luke 14:23
What does God want from me, from one found in a hedgerow, whom He has commanded to come into His home?
There is nothing He needs: there is no lack in Him Who is perfect. There is nothing I can supply of myself for I have nothing.
What can I give Him from my nothingness? Only myself, my presence, my heart broken open, my hunger, my thirst.
What can I do for Him? Nothing. Without God, I can do nothing. Even with God, I can do nothing although if I am united with God, which is His Will for me as it is for all His beloved creation, God can do anything through me.
It is not my business to know what it is that the Lord effects through me. Of any seeds which I may scatter through the world as I go, unaware of what it is that I scatter, some will be good by the grace of God and others anything but because of my sin, so I must be careful. And some will fall on stony ground and some on fertile ground, but in any case I will have moved on and shall not see them sprout into life. I shall not see their fruits which will come, if they come at all, long after I have gone on my way. The fruits, if there be any, are not for me. They are for God.

Here I am, Lord, beggar that I am. Send me. Let me sow a few good seeds from whatever Your Providence places in my hands. From Your boundless goodness to me let there be a little fruit for the table at Your banquet.
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